Wednesday 25 September 2013

Editing effects - Miss Georgiou

I chose a clip from Saw 5 called "the cube" I will be writing about the editing used within the clip. Editing is defined as the act of modifying material to arrange the sequence in a much more effective and better way.

Within the clip the editing effect montage is use, this is when the man is trying to escape the cube. The shots speed up to create excitment and panic for the audience to make them relate to the fear the character is experiencing. The shots being quickly juxaposed together make the scene feel very unrealistic which is compareable to the actual situation he is in. During the editing the mans face becomes hard to see, this means hes emotions becomes hard to read, this shows how he could be feeling alot of confusion. This relates to the thriller genre as alot of adrenaline and tension is created, which is a very important part within making thriller films successful.

Another editing effect used within the Saw 5 clip is the kuleshov effect, which is used when the water tank and then the mans facial expression is shown. This gives the clip a third meaning in which the audience realise the purpose of the water tank and cube is to drown the man. This connects to the audience as they understand the plot and how to villan within the film thinks, it also creates a lot of suspension and they do not know how the man will survive the game. This relates to the thriller genre as there is mystery and a sense of the unknown, this is used in thrillers to create then shock and surprise.

The editing effect jump cut is also another effect used for example on the table which has a knife, a gun and a phone on it. This implies that the man will definetly not survive the game. The jump effect is used to add importance and significance to the objects. This gives a simular effect to the audience as the following kuleshov element did, it connects them with the characters by working out the conclusions of the movie using the surroundings in the scene. It relates to the thriller genre as the gun and knife represent the danger within the shot and the jump cut emphasises this danger. Danger is a very important element within thriller films.

1 comment:

  1. The points that you have identified demonstrates a proficient understanding of how editing styles are used within the thriller genre. You have identified the correct points and have also explained the examples well too. The screenshots that you have included, also help to support your points.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Relate your points back to the conventions of a thriller film in more detail
    2) Include a summary to explain how your research will assist you in creating your own thriller
