Monday 23 September 2013

Individual ideas for a narrative - Miss Georgiou

Inspirations I have had from other thriller films that I could use in my own thriller clip is the use of the hidden identity of the killer which was used in the film The Strangers. It creates a lot of suspense and mystery which I think is a very important element within thriller genres and I believe it connects the audience to the characters. I also think that the slow editing made a very large impact on the suspense caused in the film the strangers, i would like to include this in my clip as it would make a eery atmosphere.

Plot, characters, mise-en-scene and conventions

  • Male and girl victim, a couple being followed late at night
  • Shadows are only being shown of the killer
  • Male goes to check for danger and gets taken
  • Woman is searching for man
  • Gets chased through forest
  • Trips over the dead body of her boyfriend
  • She screams sequence ends.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the inspirations that you have gained from watching thriller films.

    You have also started to bullet point your idea for your opening sequence, but this is too basic and needs to be explored in a lot more detail. This can be achieved, by explaining the content of your opening sequence in more detail, by focusing on the characters, narrative, themes, plot, etc

    Finally, you need to explain how your narrative appeals to your target audience
