Wednesday 18 September 2013

Research into cinematography - Miss Miller

My clip I chose is from the thriller movie 'Shutter Island', I will be giving explanations on the cinematography used and how it effects the audience and how it relates to the thriller genre. Cinematography is best defined at the art or science of motion picture photography. Within the clip from Shutter Island many shots are used to fit the thriller genre and effect the audience.

 A high angle shot is used on the man staring at hes dead children this shows how he is lonely and weak. He is upset and shocked at hes discovery and the shot makes hes character look very vulnerable and inferior. The angle also reflects on the little power the man has within the situation of hes children being dead. This relates to the thriller genre as it follows the convention of there always being victims. It makes the audience feel pity and they sympathise the character within the scene.

Another shot used within the clip was close up, this shot was used on the dead woman laying on the ground. The shot created shock by emphasising the sadness in her face as the blood slowly runs down her neck. This highlights the misery and death within the film which is a common element in thriller films, this effects the audience by reminding them near the end of the film all of the emotions they have experienced through watching.

Canted angle is used when the man and woman are in conversation, this angle was used to show imbalance and instability. They did this because the woman had just murdered her children and wanted to do strange things to there bodies, the unsteady camera angle reflects of her unstable mind. She killed her own children and felt no remorse for them shows how out of balance the plot of the film is, this links in with thrillers as they are usually based on characters without a sound mind. This keeps the audience in suspense as they cannot predict the actions of the characters.

Another close up is used within the clip when the man is watching his dead children laying on the ground. The mans face is very emotional and distraught, this helps the audience connect with him as they can see his feelings and many audience members can relate to loosing loved ones. It relates to the thriller genre as there is a lot of sadness and panic within them.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good analysis and shown a strong understanding of various camera shots and their purpose within thriller films. You have explained the emotions they create and how the audience responds.
    You need to elaborate on your points further to explain why that specific shot was used rather than another one (particularly good at portraying something).

    To improve your post you nee to:
    1) Elaborate on points already made, using more detail
    2) Read through your work to check it flows well and spelling etc.
    3) Insert your URL properly
