Tuesday 15 October 2013

Inspirations for opening scene - Miss Miller

Throughout analysing many clips from various thriller films, I have found out alot of information including techniques such as; sound, conventions, cinematography and editing. From this information I know how to create a very effective and inspired opening scene for my own thriller film.

After analysing sound by using a clip from the thriller 'Inception' I would like to include many techniques that I believe highly impacts the audience, these techniques include;
  • Silence- This was used when the man had just shot the killer, this creates alot of suspension and normally has a hidden meaning which builds the audience up for more surprise or to emphasis the death of a character. Silence also connects the audience to the characters as it focuses on the actual noises within the setting. We will be using this just before our victim gets dragged from behind the tree.
  • Soundtrack is used to create excitement for the audience as it increases in speed as the scene becomes more dangerous, this is a very effective technique which helps create surprise and shock. We will be using this when the victim is being followed and begins to notice.
After analysing cinematography using a clip from the thriller 'Shutter Island' I would like to include many techniques that I believe are covnentional and could be used within our opening sequence.
  • High angle- This was used to make the man from Shutter Island seem very inferior and weak, this is a useful camera shot to use when filming the victim hiding from the killer as she will be vulnerable. This camera angle helps the audience establish who the victim is within the film.
  • Long shot- This was used when the dead children were laying on the ground and will be used to establish the setting and characters which we are using for our opening clip which is an alley way with a victim and killer. This helps set the atmosphere as the audience can tell the genre of the film is a thriller when its in a dark, derelict setting.
After analysing conventions using a clip from the thriller 'Halloween' I would like to include many techniques that  I believe are appropriate for our opening sequence.
  • Iconography- Within the clip from halloween a knife was used as the weapon choice to kill the victim. Whereas within our clip we have decided to use a hammer for the killer to use to murder our victim, we believe iconography is a very important convention within thrillers as it creates more danger. The audience will also associate the hammer as a weapon when they see the killer holding it when following the victim, we decided to use a hammer as our killer is supposed to seem deranged.
  • Hidden identity- Within Halloween the killer is wearing a mask in which covers his identity to the victim, this creates mystery and suspense. In our opening sequence our killer will have his identity covered by wearing a hood which creates a shadow over his face. We believe this will help create an enigma which will entertain the audience as they are unaware of how the killer looks, therefore they will be curious and engaged as to who he turns out to be.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very brief and basic recount of the inspirations you have taken for some of the elements; however you have not explained how you will incorporate them into your opening scene.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Use PEER to analyse your points more effectively
    2) Include paragraphs on all the micro elements (sound, cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing, conventions) and one on characters
    3) Make sure you explain in detail what you have found inspirational in a clip and why (how was it effective etc.) before mentioning how and why you will incorportate this idea into your sequence
    4) Include a summary explaining how and why you have found taking inspirations from other films beneficial when creating your opening sequence
