Friday 11 October 2013

Research into sound - Miss Miller

Within thrillers sound is a crutial element to be included, sound within films is key to making the audience experience feelings and emotions towards to narrative and characters. There are many different sound techniques that can be used to create effect, I will be writing about some effects used within the film inception.

Non-diagetic sound is used when the man is being followed down the hallway, the music is added through editing and placed over the scene (0:40). The music is at a quick repetitive pace and represents danger . This is used to build up suspense which is a very important within the thriller genre as it is one of the 3 S's, suspense, shock and surprise which are crucial to include. Once the fighting begins the music then becomes faster and louder which creates excitement and adrenaline for the audience as they cannot predict the outcome of the violence.

Another sound technique used within the clip from inception was on screen sound, which is when you can see and hear where the sound is coming from in the film. This is used in the fighting scene when the gun falls against the wall (2.00 & 2.08) the noise of the gun would not normally be heard against all of the other noises being made and the background music. However it was emphasised to show the significance of the object, it highlights that who ever reaches the gun first will survive. This connects to the audience as they feel tension and panic for the character, this is very important in the thriller genre and a lot of emotions should impact onto the audience.

Silence is another sound technique used within the clip, this occurs once the gun has been fired and the villain is killed (2.25) this creates a very strong effect on the end of the scene. The silence is used to to suggest the life has come out of the man, as it is released the music and chaos stops. However the silence also ends the fight, by showing the winner and relieving the audience from the panic they were feeling throughout the fight. Silence is a very effective sound technique used within thrillers, which is normally unnoticed but creates a massive impact on the feelings of the audience.

Sound bridge is used throughout the clip from inception, the same soundtrack is used over both scenes of the man in the hotel and the man driving the van. This helps maintain continuity in the sequence of the transitions between scenes, which helps the audience understand who the antagonists are within the film. The music is relatable towards each scenes within the clip as there is violence in them both and they are both under attack, this creates even more suspension for the audience as in the situation if the man dies in one of the scenarios he dies in both.

In conclusion from my research I have found out what different sound techniques there are and how they are effective within certain areas of the sequence. This will make it easier at the editing stage as adding sound will become much more efficient and organised, which means we will know what to do and how to do it.


  1. You have shown a clear understanding of the techniques analysed and their purpose within the film. You have related your points back to the audience effectively, but could elaborate on them further.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Include the URL link
    2) Elaborate on your points further (Why was it used, purpose, how is it effective?)
    3) Read through and check spelling (general and terminology), grammar, flow etc.
    4) Include a summary of your research

  2. You have provided a very good analysis of the sounds used within the clip, explaining the impact upon the audience; elaborate on your points further by explaining WHY they create certain reactions etc.

    Double check spelling etc.
    Include URL link properly
