Thursday 24 October 2013

Target audience research - Miss Miller

My results from my questionnares have been put into pie charts and within this post I will be discussing and analysing why each questions results are relevant for my research into making an opening sequence for a thriller film. We will use our feedback to help create an opening sequence which will attract to our target audience.

From my questionnare results I have found out that 60% of my audience was male, this shows how the thriller genre appeals more to the male gender rather than the female (40%). This is a very stereotypical theory which my results can prove to be correct, this means I will try to make me opening sequence appeal to the male gender as much as I can. I can do this in ways such as using a young attractive female victim, or making the killer male to show they are an inferior gender.

My results show that people prefer to hear soundtrack (48%) within a thriller rather than screaming (17%) or sound effects (30%), this shows that the soundtrack makes a big impact onto the film. When asked to elaborate on there choice most participants had simular opinons in that they believe the soundtrack creates suspense and reflects on the audience as to how they should be feeling whilst watching. From this I have decided to use a very effective soundtrack that summarises how the audience should feel fear and adrenaline when the girl is being followed. This will show how the girl is in trouble and the audience can predict a disturbance to the equillibrium in the sequence.

Another unanimous result my questionnare collected was that people prefer to watch a thriller film that is set in a dark forest at 47%, rather than a derelict house (22%) or a graveyard (18%). However over suggestions for their prefered setting would be was a hospital and a park. Therefore for my opening sequence my group have decided to film within a forest with a darl lighting, we believe this will appeal to our target audience and set a frightening atmosphere.

Our results showed that people prefered subgenres of a psychological thriller (40%), rather than crime thrillers (32%) and action thrillers (23%). From our idea, if our opening sequences of a thriller film had to fall into a catogary of a subgenre we would like it to be psychological, therefore we will make the killer seem mentaly unstable and make it aware to the viewers.

When asked what characters they would like to see in a thriller a high majority of my participants chose a mental character (37%) rather than demons (30%) or pretty victim (23%). When asked why the participants further commented that they found mental characters interesting to watch as you they are not predictable therefore more entertaining to watch. This was interesting feedback and to represent this in our opening sequence we will use a mental antagonist.

When asked which age certificate each participant enjoyed watching the most with 48% was 15, age 12a received 20% and 18 received 33%. I believe this is because 15's include horror and shock to an extent that is bearable to watch, which is appropriate to my target audience. With this information we will add shock, surprise and suspense into our opening sequence with not to much or little horror. 

We asked participants what they enjoy watching within a thriller 40% chose chase scenes,  25% chose enigma and 20% chose shock, another 10% was on the option of giving one of there own suggestions which included various elements such as suspense, ghosts and little children. Through the results we collected we have decided to include a chase scene within our opening sequence as well as enigma.

The last question we asked our participants was what do they expect to see in a thriller, 38% expected for it to be set in night, 25% expected for there to be a victim and 22% expect to see death within thrillers. From this we have decided to set our opening sequence in dark hours to make it seem more thriller conventional and there will be a victim within the sequence. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided an in depth account of your results from your questionnaire, explaining what your results show and why you think this may be. You have explained how you might incorporate your results into your sequence; however, you have not mentioned any open questions.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Include a paragraph explaining the purpose of open questions, giving an example of one with a brief recount of results, and analyse the results to show an understanding of their purpose
    2) Include your pie charts/vox pops/copy of questionnaire
    3) Include an overall summary of your results stating what you found useful etc.
