Tuesday 19 November 2013

Character planning - Miss Miller

Within our opening sequence there is two characters featured throughout of it, the characters include a female victim and a derranged killer. The purpose of characters within films is to give the audience something to connect with and focus on, they also project the narrative to make it entertatining and give it purpose. Without characters there wouldnt be much point within films because there would be no narrative to help entertain the audience.

Female victim
Our victim is blonde female, which is a very stereotypical element used within thriller films. Females are often associated with being vulrunable and innocent which is a strong representation of our victim as she will be naive and weak for the killer to catch her and kill her. The audience will be able to connect with this character because our target audience is of a similar age to the victim, therefore they can relate to how the victim is responding to her situation. Representing our victim as innocent also helps create emotions for our audience as they will empathise for her and want her to escape the killer, this means the audience will be much more engaged within the narrative.

Our killer is a tall male, which even though you cannot see hes true identity the build of the body makes it very obvious as to the gender of the killer. A male is used to represent a masculine, powerful being who is close to being invincible. The audience can connect to the killer because he is a stereotypical character used within thriller films, therefore they can compare existing thriller villains to the killer within our film. The killer character is also known as being deranged which will engage the audience as they want to find out what the true motive of the killer is.

This character planning post has been useful within our planning for our opening sequence of a thriller film because we know how to portray our characters in terms of connecting with the audience and applying to thriller conventions. This will help make our opening sequence more entertaining and technically good.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very good analysis of your characters, explaining why you have chosen to use them and how you hope your audience will be able to connect with them.

    Elaborate on your points further by making sure you state WHY/HOW for all points made
    Double check spelling etc.
