Sunday 3 November 2013

Storyboards - Miss Miller

Within our research and planning for our opening sequences of a thriller genre, we had to create storyboards of our narrative, this will help us when it comes to filming our idea, because we will know how to carry each scene out from what camera angle to use to how we will edit the shots we are using. The storyboard included;

  • Camera shot
  • Editing
  • Narrative
  • Sound
  • Iconography
Within my first 4 boxes in my storyboard the narrative is that the female victim is being followed and then enters the forest, the main camera shot that was used within the first 4 scenes was long shot and this was used because the setting, characters and situation was being established. The music only began to play within the 4th scene as this is when the suspense is being built up, as the girl realises she is being followed. We got inspiration to use the forest as the setting through the thriller the blair witch project.

Within the next 4 scenes, the chase scene begins and a lot more of the conventions of thrillers are used to created an effect on the audience. More editing and camera angles were used in order to connect to the audience, editing such as the kuleshov effect which was used to create a third meaning. Non diegetic sound was also used frequently to impact on the little noises made such as, leaves rattling, heavy breathing and heartbeat. We got inspiration for the chase scenes from many different thrillers such as Halloween and Scream.

The last two scenes leave the audience in shock and suspense as they do not know what has happened to the victim. A lot of more technical effects are used such as silence and the wipe effect which leaves the audience in wonder as they are interested in the narrative. Within the very last scene it is the only scene in which the victim does not star in, this gives the audience a strong indication of her death.

Having created individual storyboards and then conferring to recreate a final group storyboard was very useful, this was because we each had very creative and fresh ideas that we decided to combine which will make our opening sequence much more effective. However we did find it hard to come up with an editing style for each storyboard as we have not filmed the scenes yet, therefore we cannot predict what effect will be best suited to each shot. This will result in us making many changes from our planning to our final product.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided an in depth explanation of your storyboard, at times elaborating on why certain elements have been used and to create what. Try and link in your ideas with any inspirations you may have taken fro films analysed fro previous posts.

    In order to improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain the purpose of storyboards when creating films
    2) Discuss where you have taken some of your inspirations from in relation to other films you have analysed for previous posts
    3) Discuss any issues you have come across and how you might rectify them
    4) How will your individual storyboards be beneficial to your group one?
    5) Include pictures of your storyboard with drawings
