Tuesday 19 November 2013

Group storyboard - Miss Miller

From creating individual storyboards, we then had more creative and much more entertaining ideas for our opening sequence. We conferred over our individual storyboards and then developed a group one in which we will used to film our sequence. When conferring we each had an idea which was added into our final storyboard, therefore we all made a useful contribution.

Tom had decided to include the alley way within our sequence, the alley way was considered because it offers a lot more enigma and danger before the chase scene begins as the victim cannot see what is behind her and around each corner she turns. We all discussed the idea and then decided to use the alley way and added in the killer standing at the top watching over her. However we struggled with trying to find a forest with an alley way near it, although we didn't want to lose the idea so we had worked out a place that will be appropriate. We believed including an alley way within our opening sequence as well as using the forest, would create even more suspense and fear for the audience to watch.

Scott's idea was to change our weapon from a knife to a hammer, we immediately agreed with this as it is a much more appropriate weapon for a deranged killer. The knife is very stereotypical weapon which we do not want to use as stereotypically most sane killers use, we want our killer to seem as insane as possible. However we wasn't sure how to fake the killing scene using a hammer as a weapon so we decided not to show the actual death, this is also benefited us because it leaves the audience in suspense. The hammer portrayed the killer to be as deranged as possible as it is a very violent weapon choice that is not commonly used within thriller films, this breaks the codes of conventions however worked better for us within our opening sequence.

My idea was to have the phone ringing in the last scene, the ringing phone would represent how she is unavailable to answer and implies her death. The phone would relate to the audience as they all have one and can understand the difficult situations they get into because of them. However we had difficulty in discussing who's name would appear on the screen. We considered using an 'Unknown' name to imply the killer was the one ringing to find out her whereabouts, however we struggled finding a reason as to why he would ring again once he had killed her. We decided to use the phone to be emphasised on instead of a piece of clothing or jewellery because it creates a stronger and longer impact on the audience. This is because her only way of escaping the killer is receiving help, which she cannot get without her phone to contact anyone, therefore we highlight how she has left her phone behind to imply she is almost indefinitely dead.

Creating a group storyboard has helped our filming in a very positive way as we had a better idea on how to film each scene, this made our filming more efficient and easier. Completeing the story board as a group also positively effected our filming as we each contributed to create better and more creative ideas. However a negative to having created a storyboard is that when we changed our ideas we found it hard to film as we had a set our schedules.


  1. You have explained the purpose of a group storyboard briefly and mentioned ideas taken from each group member; however, you need to elaborate on why you have chosen these ideas over others.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Elaborate on why you have chosen certain elements/conventions over others (why chose alleyway over forest?).
    2) Elaborate on the purpose of creating a group storyboard
    3) Go into more detail when talking about each person's ideas
    4) Provide a summary explaining how you think creating a group storyboard has helped improve your sequence and how it has helped in relation to filming etc.
    5) Read through and check spelling etc.

  2. You have stated what each group member has contributed and explained the limitations behind some ideas and how they were rectified. You need to include pictures of the storyboard and provide a summary under each page stating what you plan to film, the micro-elements used (cinematography, sound etc.) used and why.
    Check spelling etc.
