Wednesday 4 December 2013

Opening scene narration - Miss Miller

The narrative for our opening sequence is a teenage, blonde girl on her way home from her friends house, she enters an alley and then turns into a road, while the killer makes hes first appearance when he is revealed behind her.
  • For this shot we used many different angles to establish the character and the setting, therefore we used mostly long shots and mid shots.
  • The lighting used was a natural lighting as we was outside, however gradually the lighting became darker as the night approached.
  • For the shot of the killer we used a long shot that helped create effect as he was in line with the victims body and as she turned away he began to hit hes hammer showing a very disturbed hidden agenda.
 She then begins to feel as if she is being followed, this makes her paranoid so she turns around to check and nobody is there however this does not ease her worry. She decides to cross the road and enter a field.
  • For this shot we used handheld to create a jerky and unstable atmosphere as the victim is feeling very paranoid and unsafe. Other shots used are long shot and mid shots as the setting is constantly changing so we choses to keep establishing it.
  • An editing affect is used on the handheld shot when the killer is watching the victim, this shows an unhinged behaviour from the killer.
  • The lighting remains the same, natural from the surroundings, however as the victim is walking through the alley leaves and bushes block out a lot of light for form a mild aspect of low key lighting.
As she begins to enter the field she here's a loud noise from behind her, she turns around quickly to see there is the killer standing behind her dressed in all black, with hes face covered as he is holding a hammer.
  • We used handheld again to make the transition of shots quicker and more effective to the audience, the audience also get to experience the victims perspective which helps create a relationship between the two.
  • The camera is never held close or for a long period of time on the killer as we hoped this would create more mystery and keep hes identity hidden more effectively.
  • The lighting is still natural to the setting and no extra light is being used from artificial sources.
 She decides to run further into a forest, while she keeps turning back to check for him and he is getting closer and closer, she then falls over a large stick and hides behind a tree.
  • As she is running through the forest the last handheld shot is used, throughout the duration of the chase scene. This is used to create fear and suspense for the audience as they can see how close the killer is behind the victim and the struggle she faces trying to move fast through the forest.
  • The lighting is beggining to get darker therefore low key lighting is being used. This creates danger and suspense for the audience watching.
 The killer walks in the opposite direction so suggest the victim will survive, however then killer grabs her and drags her from behind out of the camera view.
  • The shots used now consist of mid shots and a close up. The close up is used when the victim is hiding and waiting for her chance to escape, her face is very distressed and worried therefore we chose to use a close up to highlight her emotions.
  • The lighting at this point is very dark, the low key lighting makes the scene much more scary and conventional to the thriller genre.
The final scene is of her phone ringing again on the floor with her unable to pick up, this suggests she is dead.
  • The shot used for this is a high angle which represents the killer having the superior power over the victim, the shot of the phone also suggest the victim has been murdered.
  • The lighting is very dark to highlight the phones screen once it starts to ring.
  • The ID of the person calling is anonymous, this is because it represents danger and also projects enigma as the identity of the caller is hidden which is simular to the killer.

We believe a lot of our improvements will be made through the editing stage, this is because our opening sequence involves a lot of different angles, shots and no sound. We will add in a lot of sound effects to enhance the noises of things such as; leaves crunching, heavy breathing and heartbeat, as this will create a lot more of an effect.


  1. You have provided a good, but basic recount of your sequence by explaining exactly what the story is; you need to mention what cinematography has been used at each point as well as any sounds/silence.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Include cinematography/sound used for each frame
    2) Be a bit more descriptive in terms of lighting, locations etc
    3) Read through and double check spelling (scene narration) etc

  2. You have provided a good recount of your opening sequence; include the sounds you plan on using in each frame (even if they are added in afterwards).
    Check spelling etc.
