Tuesday 24 December 2013

Rough copy - Miss Miller

As a group we had created a rough copy which we then presented to our class and teachers along with a powerpoint explaining why each element was used within our opening sequence.


The purpose of creating our rough copy and then presenting it was to gain others peoples perspectives on how we could improve our opening sequence. The suggestions and criticisms we received were very constructive and helpful, for example some comments said;

  • More sound effects should be used to create a larger impact on the audience.
  • The editing should be faster to build up the suspense.
We took the comments on board and decided to add more sound and speed up the editing, this has made our opening sequence a lot more professional and conventional to the thriller genre. We added in a constant soundtrack within the background of our sequence that begins when the killer is first seen, this is used to emphasis the danger of the character. We also added in sound effects to enhance things such as the footsteps through the forest which are loud due to the build up of suspense, we also added in a heartbeat sound effect for the victim during the chase scene to relate to the audience as they all have a heartbeat that they have experienced fasten in scary situations.

We also received positive comments such as;
  • Very clear narrative
  • Good variety of camera angles
  • Well presented credits
The positive comments made us realise what not to change within our opening sequence, because of this we carried on presenting our credits in similar ways to keep pleasure for the audience. The feedback we received was very helpful as it was from people who fit into our target audience, as they are in the age group of 16-17, therefore we have made our opening sequence suitable for our specific audiences pleasures. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very good recount of your rough cut and feedback, explaining the purpose of each. Mention all of your feedback and state clearly how you will make your changes (how did you speed up the editing?) and why.
    Check spelling etc.
