Sunday 1 December 2013

Production roles - Miss Miller

Within films there are many different production roles that need to be taken control of, different people are assigined specific roles which are capable to their ability in order to create a good quality film. Roles include;
  • Producers
  • Directors
  • Actors
  • Director of photography
  • Music producer
  • Screenplay writer
  • Mes coordinator
  • Editor
Production roles are used to provide organisation and consistency, everyone knows what role they have and can focus on that specific job. If a certain production member needs to change something or discuss a certain aspect of the film they know exactly who and where to go to do this. This results in the filming and editing becoming less tom consisting, as the film can produced as efficiently as possible. Production roles also allow the film to be consistent as each person knows how to do their job and keep at the same quality throughout, whereas if roles were not allocated then the quality of each job would be non consistent and the film would not be to a acceptable quality.

Within our opening sequence we were all allocated 2 roles each and we share the two remaining roles. My two roles consisted of producer and director, I was appointed these roles because we decided I had the most leadership qualities and was not scared to show authority. As the producer I had to arrange the meeting times and places, as well as assigning the roles of each actor, this meant I had a lot of responsibility and had to spend a lot of time organising each detail of the opening sequence. My other role was director, this meant I had to check each individual clip recorded and decide whether to retake and what to change about each one. I also have to role of over viewing our final piece, once I have I can give my opinion on any changes I feel should be made.

Tom was allocated the role of editor, which meant he had to cut each clip down and place them in chronological order to make each different angle run smoothly into the next one. Once this is done he needs to add in sound and editing styles which will make the opening sequence conventional to a thriller, eg adding in heaving breathing and a heartbeat. This is a very important role within our group, therefore myself and Scott will also be available to help out and attempt to edit our clips so that we have the experience and knowledge on how to do this. Tom was allocated this role because he has experience from editing our preliminary task and he has good technique on how to cut and copy each clip.

Scott was allocated the role of director of photography (camera man) for this Scott had to place the camera in the angles and positions he believed were appropriate to create effect on the scene. We had a camera stand which we could rotate and change heights of the camera, this came in very useful for us to find the right angle to record at. As having such a large responsibility, I also helped Scott with the recording by giving him my opinions and taking it in turns to record. Scott was chose for this role as we believed he was the most creative out of the three of us, he came up with new ideas on how to film the scenes which we believe will benefit our final opening sequence.

For each role that was allocated, there was a reason behind each decision. Reasons behind me being chose for the roles of director and producer was that we all believed I had the most verbal confidence and creative ideas to use whilst filming. As director I told them how to approach each of there tasks and as producer I orangised most of the details for meeting times and settings, I beleieve I did a good job therefore I was the best choice for both of the roles.
Tom was allocated as the actor for the killer, we chose him because he is tall, which is a very conventional quality killers tend to have within thrillers. Tom was also allocated the role of editor, which was because he edited our prelimary task and therefore had the knowledge and skills to edit our material.
Scott was chosen as camera man because we believed he had a good perception as to how we wanted our thriller to be filmed, he contributed a lot to our narrative therefore had a planned view of our opening sequence in hes head. I believe he did a very good job, however I shared the role of director of photography as Scott was busy one day. This could have been a weakness within our filming however I believe it strenghtened our opening sequence as a new perspective on the filming gave our opening sequence a positive effect.


  1. You have provided a good recount of the various main roles involved when filming and have mentioned who has been allocated each role, with a brief explanation as to why. You need to include a summary to explain why you think allocating specific people these roles will help your group produce a better sequence.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Elaborate on some of the roles by explaining WHY you have allocated certain people each role
    2) Include a summary explaining how and why you think allocating people these different roles will make your sequence better and production easier and if anything could have been done differently
    3) Explain what each person has done in relation to their roles (have they done it well? has it made production easier?)
    4) Read through and double check spelling/grammar etc.
    5) Make sure you have discussed all roles allocated

  2. You have provided a good analysis of the various roles allocated within your group, explaining your decisions behind them; however, you need to try an critique each person (even slightly) to show awareness of any limitations.
    Check spelling etc.
