Wednesday 5 February 2014

Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Before I had to begin to start my planning and filming my opening sequence I had to carry out a preliminary task, in which we had to film and edit a simple scene. Within our preliminary task Tom was appointed the role of director of photography which Scott and myself were starring in the clip.

From carrying this out I had discovered how to switch angles of the camera to create a realistic effect for the audience watching, so that they could feel connected to the characters. This played a massive role in helping our opening sequence much more professional and more pleasurable to watch.
We also learnt that through re-doing clips it became much easier within the editing stage, this is because if one clip was not up to our standards or incorrect in anyway we would not have to go back to re-film as we would have backups. This became very useful when filming our footage for our opening sequence as even though it was time consuming at the time, in the long term we had saved a lot of time.

Having completed this preliminary task, we now have experience on how we can film and edit our opening sequence using different angles and editing skills. We learnt how to use the stand and camera and use many techniques for creating different effects using them. However we did struggle to repeat certain angles and positions of the camera when filming the conversation between myself and Scott, this is because we had to change the camera position each time one of us replied in the conversation. This was tricky as we had to return the camera into the exact same place, otherwise the whole clip would have been out of focus.

Here is the female victim, played by Sophie Ledwith and next to her the killer, played by Tom Tovey.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 7 shows a basic understanding of how you have progressed from completing your preliminary task to completion of your thriller sequence as you have discussed strengths and weaknesses discovered.
    You need to compare how your skills developed with your thriller.
