Tuesday 11 February 2014

Thriller comparison - Miss Georgiou

I believe my opening sequence of a thriller was successful in most areas, for example our opening sequence used low key lighting effectively to create suspense for the audience watching. I believe because we knew the features needed to make a successful thriller, therefore made appropriate and effective choices. Most of creativity was shown through the element of cinematography, this is because we made many brave choices which were risky in taking as they subverted from the conventional thriller camera angles. For example when the killer is at the end of the alley and it is a long shot in which not much of the character is easy to see.

There are many micro elements in which aspects of our opening sequence can be compared to, however I can compare my thriller to any successful existing one and still prove that my thriller is conventional.


Psycho is a very successful and important film within the thriller genre, it was an Alfred Hitchcock movie that was released within the 1960's and now ranked one of the greatest films of all time.
  • The narrative involves a deranged character who becomes two personalities, he then kills other characters because of hes unstable state of mind. This is similar to my narrative as the killer within my thriller is deranged and is a lot not in a stable state of mind as he chooses to kill an innocent character within the clip. This narrative is proved to be successful and therefore I believe is a sensible choice to have made.

  • The editing withing Psycho is very simplistic however this is due to the lack of development within the production stages and technology at the time period the film was created. Therefore my thriller has used slightly more advanced editing although we did not include too much as we did not want to distract the audience from the realistic storyline.

  • The setting within Psycho varies within different scene however the main setting is at the hotel of the killer, which is in the middle of a derelict area. This is slightly similar to the setting I used within my thriller as it takes place down an empty alley and an overgrown forest, I believe this is a sensible choice to have made for my thriller. This is because it creates alot of suspense for the audience as they build up the instinct that the victims will not survive due to there being nobody around to save them.

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